





《Meet Bill》,中文名《遇见比尔》,是由 Melisa Wallack 编剧,Bernie Goldmann、Melisa Wallack 执导,Aaron Eckhart等主演,于2007-09-08的上映喜剧电影。讲述了颓败的银行职员比尔(艾伦·艾克哈特 饰),与妻子杰丝(伊丽莎白·班克斯 饰),以及和妻子关系暧昧的新闻主播齐普(蒂莫西·奥利芬特饰),三人之间的悲喜故事。


外文名:Meet Bill



导演:Bernie Goldmann,Melisa Wallack

编剧:Melisa Wallack


主演:Aaron Eckhart,Elizabeth Banks,Jessica Alba

片长:93 分钟

















This is a new technology, this is a new environmental science. That is to teach totally about the new plasma system.


解读:凯史博士在教学中已经强调过,我们需要从环境着手,着眼于环境与条件,改变单一的物质思维方式。 “环境”在凯史科技的语言中等同于磁引力场、场体 ,通过植入不同纳米、甘斯材料,并试着改变这些材料的融合条件,可以创造物质的新环境、新条件,从而实现不同的能量输出。 “等离子体”在凯史科技中接近于中子的状态,是处于形成物质的源泉的位置上,如水一般,强度上至柔 ,却提供万物之能量,成就万物之形态。等离子体同时包括物质,暗物质,反物质,具有整体性。 正如老子所言:天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚。无有入无间,吾是以知无为之有益。

The difference with this technology is that you have to understand the work of plasma, you have to understand how plasma interacts, you have to understand how the interaction of the plasma can lead to .....



When you plug your system in, when you receive it, you leave it. It’s like when buy a freezer or fridge, they tell you when you move a fridge or a freezer to house,you got to leave it 24 hours to acclimatize before you plug it in. Then you add a load of about 1 kilowatts to it and you leave it. Then over week 2 weeks you increase the power to 2 kilowatts resistive load.


解读:静置就是无为的功用,让自然发挥作用,所谓 无之以为用 。万物都具有适应、成长的趋势,你需要放手,使之自然的与环境互动,这才是有利于自己,也有利于他物的“天道”。“无”在有用中的成分,正如老子所言:三十辐共一毂,当其无有车之用。埏埴以为器,当其无有器之用。凿户牖以为室,当其无有室之用。

After a week or so you will find out more or less your energy supply is less which means whatever you use ,you don’t pay for, it’s not that you are stealing, it’s the systems that is releasing its energy.


解读:磁引力场单元自己在释放能量,这实际上就是未来科技的方向,物质逐步朝向自我维持,自我供能的独立的方向发展,人类逐渐摆脱依赖于外界环境与资源的互动关系,变得在自身场体和科技手段上更为自主与独立。可以说 不断稀释、打开物质的原子的磁场结构,就能取得与等离子体相通的“高速公路”。

You add a little you wait for a week and then you add another load you wait another week and then gradually you take the whole household in.



Because you keep the power going , you don’t use anything,your meters from the governmental side gradually will come to halt. Once it’s done, you should not add anymore to your bill, because the system gets nano coated ,the system gets super conductivity and it works for this one. Our products are all throughthe European licence CE certificate American licence.



If you can put the generator be 10 20 neighbours and be connected to it each one with the same unit connect, you find out you are totally independent .



We go through the session of teaching you what plasma technology is.In plasma technology, all of you are used to at the moment is receiving energy through copper wires, all of us  receive energy through cables, through different kindof wires,different strength ,different number of what I call wire, depending on the gauge or a single one which is thicker .But at the end of the day all the power supply, today to our knowledge done to the wire copper wire. Sometime aluminium.


解读:等离子体科技从物质铜开始, 在物质铜基础上制造不同种类的等离子体 :纳米,甘斯等。

If we take this wire and know what it means what it’s made of, how it’sworks ,you will find out the human race, have used this poor chap totally the wrongway ,the worst way we could use, it has so much power, that toolack of knowledge we didn’t know how to use the chap.Nowweknow when you look at the system by the time ,we come to Friday ,you will say what a waste of 100 years of copper work.  We have wasted time but it is part of the development of the knowledge of the human raceWhich has brought us this change.


There is nothing new in the cycle, it’s just now we know how to use more efficiently. All we did we put current through it that by the vibration of the electrons in, this wire we manage to put some energy as current in.We knew we lose some energy along the line and we always can considered some loses as we know the loses done of the copper line we came in a dispute between Tesla and Edison. Edison tried to transfer energy with the huge loses that every 10 km you had to put a power station to boost energy, Tesla came with phasing it using the vibration. So in so many ways all we relied on was on a vibration.



So what we done up to now we relied on the vibration of electrons which is very very   minimal. It’s absolutely insignificant compared to the total energy, but that’s all we knew.Going into understanding the plasma asyoubeen through with us over the past year 2 years on the other teaching, we went through a specific process where we do not need the copper wire in the matter state, we start making a more efficient use of this copper, how do you make it more efficient, in the present physics, in the present time of electronic, they tell you and the talk about super conductors and super resistors and everything super that can carry the energy with the minimum loss from A to B. So what happens , our dream has been to createthe minimum loss between these 2 using and understanding  only the vibration of the electron.


解读:超导就是两点间能够在等离子体场体包裹下的进行传输。于是创造整个等离子体包裹就是凯史科技要达成的。这个等离子体包裹具备更多 的“空”与“无”的属性。

What we did we still took the same copper but we brought the super conductivity from this wire itselfnot from outside,if you go and buy nano material ,you want to coat this wire with nano material,you have to buy nano material separate,glue it or do something else that it can create or have a layer or nano layer on it.


Being a nuclear physicist, understanding the nuclear structure,wecan separate the structure in a much easier way than what we have been told, so I initially use caustic and then electric current and then other bits over time .

译文:作为一个核物理学家,我理解原子核结构,与我们被教导的知识相反,我们可以很简单的方式分离结构, 所以我创造性的使用了苛性碱, 然后电流,然后经过其他工序以及静置。

so what we’ve done, if you look here, if there were the atoms connected to each other in the structure of the copper like this. We allow them to be where they are, but we created a very very special condition. Very very condition and that special condition was that in a matter state, if you heat the wire it will melt. If you heat the molten metal further it will evaporate.


,我们以这样的状态为基础,然后我们创造一个非常非常特殊的条件,这个特殊的条件就是在物质状态中, 如果你加热铜线,它会融化,如果你进一步加热融化的液体,它会蒸发。


The trick was to create a condition that you don’t melt the wire and the minute the evaporate as a gas of cooper created, you can reduce that it can pull itself back that was a tricktonowto create a nano material in a different shape or form.

译文:这里我们的技巧就是创造一个条件,你无需融化铜线, 在蒸发的瞬间,在铜的气体态被创造时,你可以减弱之,将它自己拉回——这就是技巧,创造出铜自身的一个不同形态的纳米材料。

解读:这一段技巧很重要,凯史说甘斯就是气体的纳米态——Gans(Gas in nano state),都是一种向外推同时向回拉的过程,在这一过程中,场体被释放同时被拽回,形成的物质具有“真空”“敞开”的性能,这与人体修炼一致,在呼吸与意念的一放一收中,人体逐渐实现自维持,自供给的特性,故老子曰:是故圣人为腹不为目,去彼取此。

Sowhat happens, nowyoumanaged to bring them back to be in touch with the copper,but still you see separated according to the gravitational magnetic field, understanding that even in the matter state each structure has its own. What you call gravitational magnetic field it’s like earth it South Pole entry and it has a North Pole exit.


,但你然而看见铜原子依据磁引力场产生的分离,理解这些,即使在物质状态中, 每个结构都有它自己的磁引力场,就如地球一般, 有自己的南极入口与北极出口。

If you reduce the gravitational field strength in respect to the copper and increase the magnetical which was repulsion and then you get exactly the same state as you get with 2 magnets.


解读:万物都具有磁引力场,都同时具有向外与向内磁场,这里需要说明的是凯史想要表达的是增强排斥力(甘斯态),减弱融合力(物质态),那么排斥力到底是引力还是磁力,实际上向内的引力增强反而向外的排斥力增强,磁力增强反而物质之间场体融合加深加强。所以凯史所用的苛性碱稀释铜原子的方法其实是减弱磁力,增强引力的过程。 纳米铜具有吸引力,相比物质铜引力更强;在纳米铜之间具有更强的排斥力,相比物质铜之间间隙更大。所以在纳米铜所处的环境中,纳米铜是具有更强的吸引力,能够拉拽一般物质的场体,形成甘斯态物质。

A plasma behaves exactly like a magnet, it has polarity, it’s the sun if you look at the one of these you see the sun. You see the earth. Earth is a plasma too.




So what it is the gravitational magnetic field between the 2 creates a distance where they can co-exist with no problem.The gravitational magnetic field between the earth and the sun dictates the positon of the earth in respect to the sun is the same with your nano layers on top.


Because don’t forget the bound and the binding of gravitational magnetic field on the wire is stronger so the nano material behaves as a satellite .So now what you have is you have a spectrum here of nano material flow.

译文:不要忘记存在于铜线上的磁引力场的束缚与捆绑是更为强大的, 所以纳米材料表现的像一个卫星 。所以现在你所有的就是一个一段纳米材料磁流的频谱。

Now you have less resistance the compact so the material behaves as a superconductor. So what it was it was to heat the material high enough in a very short span very rapid that it releases itselffrommatter state solid to nano state solid and the proof of that was that we could see ifyoulook from above a black line the black line was the indication of nano material.


When you look on the top, in black meansthey absorb every radiation which comes to the wire. It istotally nano layer, now this was half of the problem.


So the next problem comes how can we release these nano entities to become a free plasma free sun because at this moment the way they are they’re still connected to teach other in one way or another through the main copper line so in the process todaywe teach you how you do it.

译文:所以 下一个问题是我们如何释放这些纳米实体,使之成为自由等离子体,自由的太阳,因为在目前它们存在的状态还是以某种方式通过物质铜线相互连接在一起。

Was to make sure that we can create an independent entity from these nano layers, when you see a nano layer , when you see a black coated wire which is of its own , don’t forget , this nano material here, is atomic structure of the copper itself it has been coated.

译文:要确保我们可以从纳米涂层中创造一个独立的实体,当你看见纳米涂层,当你看见黑色的涂层线,它是自我维持的, 不要忘记这里的纳米涂层,是铜的原子结构,它是被涂层的。

As we heated it the right way we teach you how,we managed to release the top layer into open, freedom , but partially connected for you to see these black entities on the wire copper wire.  Needs at least 30 40000 nano layers so when you have the copper wire. And when you see it in black coated that’s 30 40000 layers that every gravitational magnetic field rays energy which enters or comes down from the atmosphere to the wire the energy gets trapped in these gaps ,but because they get trapped, they don’t reflect back and the material looks black to you. This is one of the signs of super conductivity. Absorption of all the material all the energies.

译文:当我们以正确的方式加热,我们教了你如何做,我们 设法释放顶部的铜原子使之打开,自由, 但是部分还是与铜连接着,你会看见铜线表面的黑色的实体。当你有了纳米涂层,至少有了3万到4万涂层。当你看见黑色的涂层,那是至少3万到4万的纳米涂层

, 每一个进入到或者来自大气中的磁引力场射线能量,进入到纳米线中,能量就在这些纳米实体之间的间隙中被捕捉, 但因为它们被捕捉到了,它们不会反射回来,材料对于你来说看起来就如黑色的。这就是超导体的一个标志,吸收所有物质的能量。



中文名: 遇见比尔

外文名: Meet Bill

其它译名: 比尔 / Bill

导演: Bernie Goldmann Melisa Wallack

编剧: Melisa Wallack

主演: Aaron Eckhart, Elizabeth Banks, Jessica Alba

类型: 剧情,喜剧

片长: 93 分钟

上映时间: 2007-09-08

imdb编码: tt0790623

语言: 西班牙语 / 英语

色彩: 彩色

级别: USA:R Canada:14A

拍摄日期: 2006年6月11日 - 2006年7月20日

人到中年的比尔(艾伦·艾克哈特 饰)供职于岳父经营的银行,却得不到半点重用,生活像他每天经手的流水账一样呆板无趣。妻子杰丝(伊丽莎白·班克斯 饰)也很少顾及他的感受,因为她正和电视台新闻主播(蒂莫西·奥利芬特 饰)打得火热。有一天,比尔遇到一位神秘少年(罗根·勒曼 饰),和美丽的内衣推销员露西(杰西卡·阿尔巴 饰).在两人的开导和鼓励下,比尔终于能正视自己渐秃的头发和臃肿的肚腩,并开始努力挽回颓丧的人生。最后他不仅和妻子重修就好,更赢得了岳父的信赖。

